2018-06-26 02:06:16 UTC
Obama hates white people -- True! Refuses to speak with Rick Scott
Obama is an illegal --True! B. Hussein Obama was born in
Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in
Honolulu, Hawaii
Obama hates America -- True! And now, the biggest monkey we have in the WH has done nothing to make this country safer. After this terrorist shooting in Orlando, he has not even called the governor!
Obama is a Traitor -- True! flooding our country with Muslim terrorists and for attacking our Constitutional right to defend ourselves .Obama is misusing his authority to aid and comfort the enemies of the United States, in explicit violation of both his oath and the Constitution's prohibition on subversion and treason.
Obama is a homosexual -- True! Michelle Obama is Michael LaVaughn Robinson. He was Barracks college roommate. Google the name and end your disbelief. The "daughters" were hand picked orphans from Morocco. Obama is a homosexual and he is married to another man, Michelle (Michael).
Obama is guilty of multiple counts of treason, and I'm angry as hell that NONE of our worthless elected criminals have stood up to do their jobs and impeach the scum!